restaurant review: taj mahal

Keith and I are pretty adventerous eaters, him a bit moreso than I, he will try anything once. I might try most things, but I  am not going to claim I will try anything. Our favorite cuisine is Mexican, but we don’t discriminate too much. (Though I am not huge on spaghetti…burnt out after 20+ years of Sunday dinners.)

A while back, we were talking about Indian food and how we are unfamiliar with it. Somehow he discovered that Taj Mahal on McKnight Road has a dinner buffet on Monday/Thursday/Saturday so a few weeks ago we hit it up. We both agreed that a buffet was the way to go since neither one of us had any idea what anything was.

I had gone for Indian food once, in…2007…in Toronto and remember nothing about it except that naan = good. Keith and I went for Pakistani food once in 2009 in Monroeville, I am not even sure the place exists. We couldn’t understand anything on the menu so we just pointed at things. I ended up with Chana Masala and Keith got something with chicken. It was good but again…couldn’t remember too much about it.

So…Taj Mahal. We’ve since gone to the buffet twice and the selection wasn’t exactly the same both times but it was large. At one end was naan and rice and then various meats/veggies in sauces and curries. They also note when things are vegan, so that’s a plus for any of you who roll that way.


Yes, I realize that all looks like orange slop, but it was all very good!

Almost everything has a little tag above it telling you what you are eating, but some were missing or unclear. But that’s the plus of a buffet, you can take a little bit and if you hate it, no big loss. My favorites from the first time we went were the goat and the chana masala and the second time there was some kind of chicken with onions and bell peppers and it was super spicy and delicious.

I’ve got my method down now and I put a pile of rice in the middle of my plate and surround it with various meats. Keith takes the opposite approach and just piles his plate with meat.

It’s a great deal at only $11.99 a person. Keith definitely ate more than that…I probably came close.


mango pudding! looks like cheez whiz, tastes like heaven. although my friend Rachel later told me it tastes like butter, so I’m sure my next experience won’t be so enjoyable, haha.

I’m not sure where it ranks on the authenticity scale and the place is not very fancy (it’s actually a little rundown looking, if we are being completely honest), but the food is delicious, the people who bus the tables/fill the waters and very pleasant and we will definitely be back.

Taj Mahal on Urbanspoon