bunny friends!

Geez I have had these photos on my camera for weeeeeks, I just kept forgetting to upload them and share.

A while back, Keith went out to cut the grass and when he started the lawnmower, a flock of bunnies (or actually just two) went hopping. He came back in after a little while and warned me to watch Daisy by the door because there were baby bunnies outside. I immediately jumped up and ran to the door and sure enough, two tiny bunnies. I said I wanted to get my camera but didn’t want to scare them away and he said he’d walked past 2-3 times, they were terrified and weren’t going anywhere.

baby bunny!
baby bunny


So, I went out and snapped a few pictures and sure enough, they didn’t move at all. Look how teeny! He could fit in your hand! (There were two but I apparently only took a picture of one.)

I thought that I couldn’t just leave them there, there are railroad ties and two steps blocking the part of the yard they left from the driveway. They hopped down the steps, but couldn’t hop back up. Eventually down the driveway the railroad ties stop, but it’s close to the road and I didn’t want them to get squished.

So, not knowing much about bunnies…I went in and got our heavy duty work gloves. I figured this would protect them from my scent if that was a thing and protect me from their baby claws or teeth or I don’t know much about bunnies so I didn’t want to take any chances.

So I attempted to scoop the first one up and he evaded capture and I literally chased him in circles in the driveway for 4 minutes. By the time I caught him, he was scared almost to death and his little heart was going so fast. But I deposited him in the yard and he hopped away.

The second bunny I scooped up from the front and he basically hopped into my hands and I deposited him into the yard as well.

A bit later I went back outside and neither bunny was where I left them so I’m imagining they made it back home and all was well in bunny land. So I did a good deed and got a cute photo out of it. That’s a win in my book!



katrina oh, wildlife photographer

I saw some bunnies frolicking in the yard the other day. Either frolicking or fighting, but by the time I had grabbed my camera, one of them had hopped off. I did spot some other friends though.

I am very thankful our laundry room glass is so reflective. I can stand there and snap forever and the deer are none the wiser.

 deer friendsThis was later, looking out the sunroom windows. These windows are also very reflective, but on the inside as well.

you bore me.
Really? More deer photos?


deer friend

deer friend

Deer are actually pretty grimey up close. I want to bathe them or at least brush them.

deer friend

deer friend

bunny friend
He must be the reigning champion of the yard. I had to go outside for this shot and he barely moved.

I took these photos on Thursday and mentally titled the post. Thursday night I dreamt that I was out back shooting more photos but this time caught a camel (who I was calling a moose in my dream, but he was definitely a camel), a gorilla, and a tiger. Keep dreamin’, Katrina.

mcwildlife* preserve

So I have gone on and on about how much I love our yard. We are a triangular corner lot with probably half an acre of trees between us and the only side that would have neighbors. I have posted numerous photos of our wildlife, from deer to bunnies to woodpeckers.

The other day I discovered another creature in our yard that I hadn’t seen before.

I was upstairs and saw something moving out the window…I looked a little closer and…

IMG_9636Yea it would be a lot easier to see if that back patio wasn’t still covered in dead leaves…

IMG_9636_2A mama cat and a kitten! Keith had mentioned the other day that he saw a cat in the yard, but I had completely forgotten/not seen it. I ran outside to go see them, but they darted off before I could get close. I came back inside and went about my business, peeking out various windows every few minutes to see if they would come back. Probably 20 minutes later, I spotted them again and continued on with what I was doing. A little after that, Keith came upstairs to ask if I wanted to go walk Daisy with him and I peek out the window and see this:


A pretty sizable deer munching on our boxwoods. I thought “Oh man, he probably scared away the cats.” Later, I uploaded the photo onto the computer and…

IMG_9640_2Ha! The cat is just chilling on the fireplace back there. For some reason that was hilarious to me. (Also, I need a better zoom lens.)

So this all happened at some point last week. On Saturday, we were running all sorts of errands and I finally convinced Keith to go get a new propane tank for our grill. We ran out in September and haven’t grilled since then and I have been dying. He figured while we were refilling the other, we could buy one for that fireplace on the patio (black square thing). It didn’t have a tank so we have yet to use it. We go back and open it up to see what size it will take. It looked pretty gross in there, all sorts of leaves and grass and cobwebs and all the sudden, I see something moving in the corning. I crouch down to get a better view and see a mama mouse and three baby mice! She was totally freaked out and trying to crawl into a crack in the side, but couldn’t get all of her babies with her. She got herself in the crack and kept poking her head out squeaking at the babies. Keith finishes looking at the hookups, he shuts the door and I bolt back inside for my camera.


She was there when I got back and just stood there, not moving while I snapped a few pictures. Seeing her explained this big green nest that I thought was probably full of a million spiders (hey, I have an over-active imagination).


The nest is right under where the propane sits. Meaning if we put it in, we will probably squish her and her babies. I left the door open a crack so she can hopefully vacate the premises. After discovering her, I guess that might explain why the cats were on the patio. And I don’t really want to think about it, but I kind of hope they circle of life themselves out of my yard…


*Keith is a McSomething and I will soon be as well. Seems like a fitting name for our home. I had been calling it McSomething Acres, but I guess it is more of a Wildlife Preserve than a farm.