Year One! + Master Project List

Today marks one year since we bought our house! How exiciting!

So I’ve mentioned before, one of my favorite blogs is Young House Love.  They post a master list of all the projects they have done, are working on and want to do in their home. I thought it was a really great idea to have all of my house hopes and dreams in one place, so I’m taking a page out of their book and posting one. It will also serve as a way to see how much I’ve gotten done in a year’s time, between work, life and the 8 classes I’ve taken in that time. I had super high hopes to finish all the painting by the one-year mark. Haaaaaaaaa.

Starting with the top floor and working down:

master bedroom

Painted blue
Bought bed
Bought desk for vanity
Bought lamps
Replaced hardware on my bedside table
New sheets/duvet cover
Temporary “art” for over bed

To do:
Touch-up paint along ceiling line
Buy long, low dresser for wall across from bed.
Move tv to long, low dresser – maybe
Replace ugly green carpet
Replace ceiling fan – we have to push start the current one
More substantial art for over the bed
Art or mirror for over the long, low dresser

weird room


To do:
This will likely be the (distantly) future nursery so I am not doing anything else until then.

guest room


To do:
Buy matress, nightstand, dresser?
buy/make headboard
Art for walls
Window treatments
Replace ugly green carpet

upper bathroom

Bought shower curtain
Bought cute bird hooks
Bought soap pump/water glass

To do:
Replace caulk strip
Hang floating shelves above toilet
Replace shower curtain rod
Install fan

living room!

living room

removed wallpaper
skim coat of plaster on walls
bought couch!

To do:
second and third coats of paint on built-ins/doors
give the coffee table a makeover
possibly rearrange furniture
replace the fireplace
maybe re-tile over the hearth tile?
put things on the built-ins other than a bottle of resolve
make curtains (i have the fabric!)
hang curtains
replace outlet covers/switchplates

entry way

entry way/hallways


To do:
hang artwork
replace light fixtures (3)
replace doorbell (you can only hear it in the entry way)
replace rug
build out upper closets
swap lightswitches upstairs since they are backwards
replace stained glass window

dining room

dining room

changed out dimmer switch for one that worked

To do:
tear down wallpaper
either paint or replace light fixture
make/buy curtains
replace furniture with something more modern…one day.



removed wallpaper
replaced switchplates/outlets

To do:
make/install faux roman shade
replace backsplash (something pearly?)
replace countertops (butcher block, please)
put in some type of island/dresser-turned-island?
replace light fixtures


laundry room

bought rugs

To do:
clear counter of all the painting supplies

family room



To do:
clean out the year-old boxes

Powder room, I apparently have no picture.


To do:
hang shelf above toilet
hang towel ring/bar/holder/thingy

office 2


Entire plumbing torn out and replaced
Carpet ripped out
Two walls removed
One wall rebuilt
rubber matting installed
carpet is going in today
bathroom floor going in today

To do:
skim coat of plaster over burlap
paint walls/ceiling/ducts
replace wainscoting where it was removed
replace office carpet
remove/restructure office desk
change out office doorknob so we can finally have a key!
put up some sort of shelving on a far wall
replace lighting


Phew. Good thing I have the rest of my life to finish all those projects.


kitchen: after!

Well, the kitchen is complete! It took a whole lot longer than anyone would have guessed, but that’s usually how those things go.  It took over a day to remove the wallpaper. The flowery stuff came off pretty easily, but the blue gingham stuff on the bulkhead was the devil incarnate. And I am no longer friends with the previous owners thanks to this little surprise.

devil wallpaper

That is wallpaper above the sink. It was not only impossible to get to thanks to its location above the sink and behind a board, it was impossible to get off. I probably spent 3 hours working on that and my mom had to finish it. I think my neck is still broken due to the horrible acrobatics necessary to reach it.

Two of the other obstacles are visible in this photo:


The first obstacle was the wall to the right of the stove. That lovely green stuff is a skim coat of plaster that was chipping off in giant sheets. Painting over it would have been a horrible idea, so my MIL chipped off everything that would come off (and it was a lot) and then had to spackle the entire wall. Then it had to dry and be sanded down before we could paint there. That took more than a day for all those steps. The second obstacle might not be that easy to spot so let me zoom in a little for you…


Ahhh, this little electrical box was just wallpapered right over so imagine my surprise when I finally got the devil wallpaper down and found that. The wiring inside looks ancient so I’m sure wallpapering right over it wasn’t the safest thing. I’m calling this an OHS. Old house surprise. And I’m sure there will be plenty more.

So here are some in-progress shots of the kitchen…

kitchen in progress

kitchen in progress

Ahhhhh. It was so nice having that wallpaper off the walls. I felt like I could finally breathe in there. I was almost happy enough to just leave it like that.  Haha. Just kidding.

Now the good stuff. The afters. In just 3.5 days with a few gallons of paint and a lot of elbow grease, we were able to turn my kitchen into this:






I am truly in love. The teal cabinets might not be everyone’s cup of tea but they are everything I ever wanted and I don’t think I could possibly love them any more than I do!

Now for funsies, a quick before/after:




Looking at the befores I feel like I am suffocating. (Also don’t mind the lack of switch plates, we need to switch out the light switches and outlets because not only are they almond they are super duper grimey/nasty. So those will be replaced and then covered with some fresh white plates.)

I have to give a lot of thanks to both my mom and my mother-in-law. Without them, I would probably still be up there scraping wallpaper. They were a huge huge huge help and it was also a lot of fun to work with them! Love ya both!

And I feel as sleepy as Daisy looks so I’m calling it a night.
